Emotionality – expressiveness – evaluation in the structure of vocabulary of the conversational style (a lexicographic aspect)
The universal categories of expressiveness – emotionality – evaluation are widely reflected in explanatory lexicography in a broad range of options – lexical-thematic, functional-stylistic, structural-grammatical, parametric, linguistic-aesthetic. Vocabulary contexts provide material not only for ordinary users, but also for linguists, containing additional information about emotional-evaluative, expressive-emotional, figurative use of colloquial (along with dialect) and everyday tokens in real language practice. This once again confirms the idea of the anthropocentrism of everyday communicative culture, of the concrete-subject, rational-evaluative associativity of verbal images of the conversational-domestic sphere. The specificity of one or another national linguistic culture emerges through the prism of expressiveness – emotionality – evaluation.
expressiveness, emotionality, evaluation, vocabulary, dictionary trailerReferences
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