Make America great again? Medialne narracje na temat Donalda J. Trumpa i Josepha R. Bidena na okładkach tygodników „Polityka”, „The Economist” oraz „Der Spiegel”
In the age of stimulus overload magazine covers are aimed at gaining the readers’ attention by announcing or summarising selected content of the particular issue in a way that is both attractive, and engages the potential audience in the process of interpretation. As a multimodal text genre par excellence, they combine verbal and visual elements and employ intertextual references to previous texts and/or images to (re)activate additional meanings and broaden the range of possible interpretations.
Based on the concepts of multimodality and intertextuality, the paper discusses the similarities and differences in the Polish, British and German media narratives of the end of Donald J. Trump’s term and the beginning of Joseph R. Biden’s presidency.
The media representations of the two politicians are discussed based on the covers and related articles published in the opinion weekly magazines Polityka, The Economist and Der Spiegel in November 2020 (presidential election won by Joseph R. Biden) and January 2021 (Biden’s inauguration). The conducted analysis focuses on the verbal and visual argumentation on the aforementioned magazine covers and takes into account aspects such as typography, layout, intermodal connections between language and image, as well as verbal and visual intertextual references.
multimodality, intertextuality, magazine covers, Joseph R. Biden, Donald J. TrumpReferences
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