God the Father and the work of salvation in Jesus Christ according to the Letter to the Galatians
Andrzej Sebastian Jasiński OFM
Uniwersytet OpolskiAbstract
In the NT God has been revealed by Jesus Christ above all as Father. St. Paul in his apostolic mission announces the work of salvation done by God the Father in Christ, the most important text that speaks of this reality is found in Gal 4:4-5. From the text it appears that God’s intention contains two elements: God approaches creation (man) and man also approaches God in Christ. The fullness of time is therefore not only (Gal 4:4) an act of God because of sin but rather signifies the consequent action of God who foresaw the fullness of time as the most important and definitive moment in the history of creation.
In the light of this reflection we can better understand what the will of God means (Gal 1:4). This will is of course not limited by time or space, it is an eternal act that exists before the creation of the world. The only proper attitude to this will is obedience. The fullness of obedience is found in the Jesus-God the Father relationship.
Christ has fulfilled the will of God the Father (crucified for sins). This event of Jesus brings about a change in the condition of man who was under the bondage of the ὁ αἰῶν πονηρός. In the risen Christ, on the other hand, the believer has been rescued from slavery and now has access to participation eon the new αἰῶν (Gal l,l).
work of salvation, Jesus Christ, Galatians, Letter to the Galatians, fullness of time, will of GodReferences
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