The God of the Patriarchs as a Common Heritage of Judaism and Christianity

Part I. God of Genesis (Abraham and Isaac)

Andrzej Sebastian Jasiński OFM

Wydział Teologiczny UO


The God of Patriarchs is one of the most important problem of the Old Testament. Here I argue that the problem is actually so severe as has been before (in recent scholarship). First I presented the Book of Genesis (an integral part of the Torah), then the God’s covenant with Abraham and Isaac. The story of Abraham and Isaac shows some aspects of the nature of God (his transcendent and immanent) and his activities in the time of the patriarchal period. The God of patriarchs is the God of Moses, the God of the prophets (OT) and the God of the apostles (NT). The soteriological interpretations of the Isaac’s tale found in rabbinic and Christian sources affirmed the important significant of the story (Gn 22) for the both religions. Abraham hoped that God might be capable of restoring life to his son. Isaac appears as the figure of the risen one (New Testament).

Parole chiave:

God, Judaism, Christianity, Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, Genesis, Torah, Covenant, Promise

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Jasiński OFM, A. S. (2019). The God of the Patriarchs as a Common Heritage of Judaism and Christianity: Part I. God of Genesis (Abraham and Isaac). Scriptura Sacra, (19), 107–132. Recuperato da


Andrzej Sebastian Jasiński OFM 



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