Okręty podwodne typu Vanguard jako podstawa brytyjskiego systemu odstraszania militarnego w XXI wieku
Bartosz Maziarz
In the world after the Cold War nuclear arsenal rich countries of the West ceased to play a decisive role in international politics. This does not mean, however, that these countries have completely abandoned this tool to influence and determinant position of strength. Nuclear weapons in the twenty-first century., It remains the most lethal tool remaining in the military arsenal. In this regard, each Member State possessing this kind of weapons, looking every move of new methods and means of delivery, use and modernization thereof. In the UK the situation is special because the fleet of strategic submarines with nuclear-powered type Vanguard is the only British kind of weapons capable of carrying intercontinental ballistic missiles Trident nuclear warhead. The article attempted to answer the question about the role and place of Vanguard submarines type in the international politics of the United Kingdom. Are these ships are an example of supremacy or just wistful memories of imperial times?
security, nuclear weapon, Vanguard class submarines, Trident missilesReferences
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