Lublin’s metropolitan function


The aim of this paper is to present the Lublin’s metropolitan function. Lublin is the largest city in the East of Poland and the centre of the potential Lublin metropolitan area. Lublin from centuries past was the main city of the Lublin region and the platform to exchange of economy between the East and the West. Is Lublin being able to keep this position in the future? Are the contemporary strength and range of influence the egzogenic factors generating profitable conditions to the city development? Is the potential too strong for make Lublin of the metropolitan center in the international scale? The following article is the attempt of answering to these questions. The issues of the Lublin’s geopolitical location and transport accessibility were presented. Then the main function which decided about city’s development potential as metropolitan centre were characterized and they range of influence were determined. The following activities are identified as metropolitan: cultural, scientific, educational and trade node, a tourist attraction and industry.


metropolitan functions, Lublin, East Poland

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Cited by

Kociuba, D. (2020). Lublin’s metropolitan function. Studia Miejskie, 4, 267–281. Retrieved from


Dagmara Kociuba



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