The conception of tramway-system development in Poznan’s north residential-services districts

Bartosz Majewski


This paper describes possibilities of tramway-system development in the north part of Poznan, according to the necessity of inculcate sustainable development in urbanizing city’s space. The paper was made on the basis of current city’s urban studies as well as based on the author’s conceptions. The analysis was made with reference to the main assumptions of Development strategy for the city of Poznan up to year 2030, according to which it is necessary to aim at rational development of transport adopting sustainable option. Moreover, this strategy provides strong preferences for public transport and, at the same time, introducing restrictions on car traffic.


public transport development, accessibility of public transport, tramway to Naramowice, extension of PsT line, organization of the connection’s network

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Cited by

Majewski, B. (2020). The conception of tramway-system development in Poznan’s north residential-services districts. Studia Miejskie, 8, 69–86. Retrieved from


Bartosz Majewski 



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