The atrophy of urban functions in some centres of Lower Silesia – causes and consequences from the perspective of the deterministic chaos


In the article were introduced real causes of singling out the urban centres in the mankind history in the light of the deterministic chaos. It talked over the legal and institutional bases of granting (control) of urban laws. It identified factors determining the atrophy of urban functions in the Lower-Silesian region. The usefulness of the deterministic chaos theory was estimated for the identification of the causes of the urban functions atrophy on the basis of empirical and historical investigations for Lower Silesia, moreover. The atrophy of urban functions stepped out in many (almost thirty) centres of Lower Silesia. Come into being these cities, and later their fall (or atrophy) it will can study with using on the deterministic chaos conceptions. Authors conducted such analysis using the model of the urban centre life cycle and the categories of the chaotic trajectories of the object (phenomenon) evolution. On their basis we can formulate a several conclusions. 1. Every city possesses its specific life cycle conditioned basic and accidental factors. 2. Utilization of the deterministic chaos theory lets more effectively identify and better understand accidental factors in the evolution of the urban centres. 3. Approach leaning on the deterministic chaos theory does not throw aside the hitherto existing property of economic geography, the theory of urbanization, the economic theory of the location or New Economic Geography, but it replenishes them. 4. The use of this property to regional investigations (Lower Silesia) allows to identification both the causes of local urbanization, how and factors determining the atrophy of urban functions in this space. 5. Realized investigations let additionally confirm the cognitive usefulness of the deterministic chaos theory to the studying of urban processes.

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Cited by

Becla, A., & Czaja, S. (2020). The atrophy of urban functions in some centres of Lower Silesia – causes and consequences from the perspective of the deterministic chaos. Studia Miejskie, 12, 79–93.


Agnieszka Becla


Stanisław Czaja



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