Development of selected features in the metropolitan area of Wroclaw

Elżbieta Chądzyńska


Development of the economy of modern cities is evolving from a reliance on access to raw materials, their mining and industrial production to development based on human capital which is understood as a social and intellectual capital. Development of functional wide areas related with the city of multiple dependencies relies on a variety of reasons and consequently takes the form differing from this extreme road development. Wroclaw as the center of agglomeration is characterized by the multidirectional functional development. System of contacts which originated between Wroclaw and its closer and further surroundings causes referred to the effects of both the Centre and in its vicinity. Purpose of the article’s initial determination of the level of development of selected features in the Centre and its impact on the development of functional cities situated in the vicinity of Wroclaw.


functional development of cities, links between central city and its surroundings

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Cited by

Chądzyńska, E. (2020). Development of selected features in the metropolitan area of Wroclaw. Studia Miejskie, 7, 37–48. Retrieved from


Elżbieta Chądzyńska 



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