Strategy of downtown revitalization in american large cities

Elżbieta Litwińska


The decay of downtowns was primarily contributed by the suburbanization and the emergence of large shopping malls beyond borders of the cities. The migration of affluent residents to the suburbs has caused a reduction of tax revenue. In consequence the level of public services has diminished. Also many work places were located outside the cities. The purpose of the paper is to present the strategy of urban redevelopment in the U.S. The revitalization starts with organizing public spaces and location of cultural and entertainment activities in the downtown. It is followed by need for rental housing, housing for sale and finally for office spaces. The successful downtown revitalization is the long-term process that requires large financial investments and the private-public partnership.


decay of downtowns, suburbanization, revitalization

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Cited by

Litwińska, E. (2020). Strategy of downtown revitalization in american large cities. Studia Miejskie, 7, 71–79. Retrieved from


Elżbieta Litwińska 



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