Global relations between european metropolitan areas – a proposal of typology

Piotr Raźniak


The paper describes globalization processes in European metropolitan areas and especially Polish metropolitan areas. The rank of a metropolitan area depends on the availability of advanced business services and the presence of high-tech industries. The latter are often considered a key indicator of international linkages. It is not possible to assess all factors responsible for a city’s rank in the world or even Europe by itself. The paper attempts to create a comprehensive hierarchy of European cities. The European Union is clearly divided into the old 15 EU states and the more recent member states. However, the social and economic distance between the two groups of European states is constantly decreasing in favor of the new member states.


world city, globalization, international connection, metropolis, metropolian area

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Cited by

Raźniak, P. (2020). Global relations between european metropolitan areas – a proposal of typology. Studia Miejskie, 9, 83–94. Retrieved from


Piotr Raźniak 



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