: In view of the increasing urbanization of the world and crises that are constantly revealed to
accompany it, a huge interest in the smart city concept can be observed. In the urban practice, it has a multidimensional character and concerns both the use of modern technological solutions and the sustainable
development if cities. In addition, the current global situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic means
that not only companies are struggling with the problems of maintaining employment continuity, while
seeing to that all the sanitary rigors are complied with in order to secure a safe workplace at the same time.
This problem has also affected administration, which is required to operate constinuously. Teleworking has
become a solution to this problem. Therefore, this study attempts to demonstrate the role and importance of
remote work in creating a smart city in the era of a pandemic. An attempt was made to indicate the benefits
of this form of working. The experience of recent months has clearly shown that the use of smart technology
can contribute to increasing security and shaping new social behaviors in the long run. Teleworking may
not only facilitate the functioning of urban organisms in crisis situations, but also contribute to an increase in the quality of life in the city. It should be assumed that many forms of remote organization of city life
and solving problems of residents will constitute one of the standards of the services on the part of local
government administration.
remote work, smart city, sustinable developmentReferences
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