Uzasadnienie nierozerwalności małżeństwa w ujęciu protestanckim
Konrad Glombik
Uniwersytet Opolski, Wydział TeologicznyAbstrakt
The 500 anniversary of Reformation is an opportunity for reflexion on main contents of Protestant tradition and theology. One of detailed questions is the teaching on insolubility of marriage, which in general belief characterises the Catholic understanding of marriage. There is belief that Protestantism accepts divorces. Analysing the statements of Reformers, texts of theologians and ecclesial documents of the post-reformer tradition we come to belief that an essential element of understanding of marriage is its insolubility and strength, although in this same time divorces and the possibility of new marriage with the benediction of Church are acceptable. Topic of the presenting article is to show arguments for justification of insolubility of marriage in the Protestant tradition and theology. Taking in consideration the theology of creation and theology of salvation the Protestant contributions on marriage permit to distinguish three ways of justification of insolubility of marriage. The nature of marriage and aspects of life with it connected, especially the love between spouses and the will of God Creator towards marriage expressed in The Bible are mostly quoted arguments for insolubility and strength of marriage and are connected with the theology of creation. In the Protestant teaching on insolubility of marriage there is connection to the theology of salvation too. The example of it is the thinking of Karl Barth on marriage as a testimony of covenant between God and people. The presented arguments on insolubility of marriage in the Protestant tradition and theology can become an inspiration for comparative studies and for ecumenical dialogue towards the understanding of Christian marriage.
Słowa kluczowe:
marriage, insolubility of marriage, divorce, Protestant tradition, theology of creation, theology of salvationBibliografia
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Konrad Glombikdr hab., prof. UO; ksiądz diecezji opolskiej Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego; kierownik Katedry Teologii Moralnej i Duchowości na Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Opolskiego; dyrektor Redakcji Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO; redaktor naczelny półrocznika „Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego”.

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Utwór dostępny jest na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa – Użycie niekomercyjne – Na tych samych warunkach 4.0
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Inne teksty tego samego autora
- Konrad Glombik, TOLERANCJA JAKO POSTAWA MORALNA , Studia Oecumenica: Tom 13 (2013)