Papal primacy as the main problem of ecumenism in theological reflections of Joseph Ratzinger
Rafał Biniek
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Theologische FakultätAbstract
Papal primacy is without a doubt an important ecumenical problem. According to J. Ratzinger it is, however, not only the main difficulty, but also the basic condition for a possibility of the unification of the Church. The article presents his reflections on the office of Peter in the context of ecumenical dialogues and his proposals for the reform of the papacy as well. The first part describes two types of Church schism, which create different starting points for the ecumenical discussion on the papal authority. The second part discusses
the primacy in the context of the Catholic-Orthodox dialogue. The proposal of Graz play here a special role, where Ratzinger is in favour of unification on the basis of theology and practice of the primacy in the first millennium. In the third part is presented Ratzingers thoughts on Catholic-Protestant dialogue. Due to the different vision of the Church that the Protestantism represents, the dialogue focuses on explaining of fundamental ecclesiological issues (apostolic succession, office in the Church) as a condition for the discussion on the office of Peter. The last part presents the most important themes of Ratzingers theology of
the primacy and his proposals for its renewal that are relevant for ecumenism. These are for example: the postulate to create new patriarchates, the idea of the communio-primacy and reflections on its martyrologic character. Ratzinger doesn’t formulate any finished ecumenical solutions to the problem of the primacy, but he defines the theological basis for the further dialogue on this topic.
prymat papieski, urząd Piotrowy, dialog ekumeniczny, sukcesja apostolska, reforma papiestwa, Joseph RatzingerAuthors
Rafał BiniekStatistics
Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 Studia Oecumenica
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