The Problem of Theological Conception: the Faith of the Theologian and the Faith of the Ecclesiae Christi
Dominik Kubicki
In the context of the upcoming celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and modern epistemological dilemmas of the present postmodernity, the author shall submit the question of the reality of ecumenical dialogue. How far, basing on the state of scientific knowledge concerning medieval Christendom, the University and the scholastic method, the influence of oriental Hellenistic culture on the education of the ideological foundations of modernity and based on new discoveries on Aquinas concept of theology and historicalcritical method, the Churches of the ecumenical dialogue are able to verify the foundation of Martin Luther’s theological position and make real progress in theology? Are they able to make progress in ecumenical dialogue in the imperative of diagnosis of the theologian faith in the faith of the Church of Christ and the Church of the Holy Spirit?
faith, M. Luther, Reformation, sola fides, the ecumenical dialogueReferences
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Dominik KubickiStatistics
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