Baptism in protestant catechisms – of the Reformation and modern ones
Jerzy Sojka
Chrześcijańska Akademia Teologiczna w Warszawie, Wydział Teologiczny
The text analyses teachings on baptism in two classical protestant catechisms: the Small Catechism by Martin Luther and the Heidelberg Catechism, as well as three examples of modern Protestant catechism literature (two German and one Finnish). Such selection allowed the author to show that modern Protestant catechisms draw from the 16th century ones on the textual level. At the same time it must be noted that they are trying to bring the latter ones up to date for the needs of a modern reader, as well as enrich their content (threads on history of the praxis of baptism, or descriptions of various aspects of its modern shape) and form (focus on building a community between young readers through a website).
Lutheranism, reformed Protestantism, catechisms, Reformation, the present dayReferences
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