„Sokratische Seelsorge“ im 18. Jahrhundert
Geert Franzenburg
Universität MünsterResumen
What is „Socratic soul-care” like? Why is it an important contribution to the field of counselling and soul-care? To find an answer to such questions, the following considerations focus on two personalities who, to a certain extent, personified this tradition in the 18th century: Gregorius Skovoroda, who, depending on one's point of view, is regarded as the "Ukrainian" or "Russian" Socrates, and Johann Georg Hamann, who has been dubbed the "Socrates of the 18th century". Both personalities will be appreciated as main examples of a philosophical model of "Socratic pastoral care" from the perspective of the psychology of religion by evaluating and contextualizing their corresponding utterances. In order to find out how "Socratic pastoral care" was understood – at least in the 18th century – and can be understood, central aspects and themes will be elicited from original texts with the help of Grounded Theory. Evaluating the results, „Socratic pastoral care“ emerges as a holistic religiously oriented approach that focuses on a person's relationship of trust with him/herself, with others and with God/with life, brings it up in an accepting and appreciative atmosphere and in this way helps to resolve possible disturbances.
Palabras clave:
Education, Hamann, Pastoral care, Skovoroda, Socrates, edukacja, duszpasterstwo, SokratesCitas
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Geert FranzenburgStatistics
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