A mirror of global Lutheranism: Thirteenth General Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation
Piotr Szymon Kopiec
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawł II, Wydział TeologiiResumen
The World Lutheran Federation (LWF) is worldwide organization gathering Churches of the Lutheran tradition. Having global reach, the Federation is influenced by different processes and tendencies, including secularism in the Western world, theological and cultural syncretism in many countries from outside the Euro-Atlantic space, interreligious and ethnic conflicts and a dynamic growth of many Churches in Africa and Asia. The last General Assembly of the LWF held in Krakow in September 2023 was a particular opportunity for observing how Lutheranism, regarded as a Christian denomination, operates in various social, political, geographical and cultural contexts, and how the Lutheran Churches are an instrument of global unity, even despite internal conflicts, especially because of ethical problems. The article discusses the most important subjects of the Assembly, considering them in light of the assumed globalisation of Lutheranism. It aims to describe the most significant processes occurring in global Lutheranism, reflected in the Assembly’s works. It also discusses the Federation’s global commitment, considering particular example of its partaking in the tax justice movement.
Palabras clave:
Lutheran World Federation, General Assembly, globality, ecumenism, LutheranismCitas
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Piotr Szymon KopiecStatistics
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