Faith and crisis
On the therapeutic dimension of Christianity
Jürgen Werbick
Katholisch Theologische Fakulät der Westfälischen Univrsität Münster
The therapeutic dimension of Christianity is leveraged in different ways. Does Christianity use human crisis – existential fear, experience of limits – to rule over? Or, does Christianity instead help shape towards a more mature and fulfilled humanity being followed? The pastoral, as found in the spirit of Jesus Christ, should in such situations display a therapeutic dimension towards the individual as in relation to social meaning. The reason being that it gathers people around the saving presence of God so that they do not need to save their identity by self-confirmation or by exclusion. The therapeutic pastoral opens spaces for gathering and for concentration in what is displaced and what can be reconciled. Then the people will wish that each other’s participation in all that gives them a full life. It is about spaces in which existential fear loses its power.
faith, crisis, Christianity, existential fears, therapeutic dimension of ChristianityReferences
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