A Synoptic Approach to the Role of the Holy Spirit in the Conception of Jesus through Mary (Matt 1:18.25; Luke 1:35)
Stanisław Witkowski
Pontifical Univeristy of John Paul II in Krakówhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-7282-1866
The article is based on the analysis of three verses (Matt 1:18.20; Luke 1:35), which deal with the role of the Holy Spirit in the conception of Jesus through Mary. Matthew uses the formulation “by the Holy Spirit” twice. Luke, in this context, uses a parallel indicating that the Holy Spirit is the power of the Most High that is God. The Holy Spirit is in these texts a separate Person having a relationship with the Father and acting on his behalf. Therefore the conceived Child will be Holy and called God’s Son from the moment of conception. In this way, the version of the text by Matthew receives a fuller understanding when read from the perspective of Luke.
Holy Spirit, the Most High, descend, shade, Son of GodReferences
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