Experiencing Love by Spouses
Elżbieta Maria Kuczmarska
Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of John Paul II. in Lublinhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-7811-5906
The source of love is in God’s act of creation, therefore, it captures the truth in the human heart the best. A deep understanding of love as well as living it out on a daily basis are crucial for the relationship between man and woman in marriage. This paper presents the results of research on living out and experiencing love by spouses in marriage. A very high percentage of respondents declare to live out love adequately to their marriage oath. A slightly lower percentage of respondents live out their love as a constant openness to the conception of new life, and less than half of respondents live out their love as a strong erotic drive between spouses. More than one third of spouses live out their love as a sacrifice and daily straggle without adequate reciprocity. The results indicate the need for pastoral care of marital bonds.
marital love, marriage, pastoral care of married couples, spouses researchReferences
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