Image of China in the Literature of Augustyn Zmarzły SVD (1898-1966)
Marek Jodkowski
Faculty of Theology of the Warmia and Masury University
In 1924, in Mödling near Vienna, Augustyn Zmarzły was ordained a priest as a member of Society of the Divine Word. That same year, he went as a missionary to China where he worked for 25 years. During this time, he wrote many articles that were published in many magazines mainly in Poland, in Germany, and the United States. These articles focused on a wide range of issues, from Chinese history, customs, and culture, to ethnographic research. In the pages of the magazine “Nasz Misjonarz”, issued by Polish Divine World Missionaries in the interwar period, he published more than 120 letters. In Rev. Zmarzły’s texts he touched on current political events from the Far East.
accomodation, China in the first half of the twentieth century, missions in China, Chinese culture, Society of the Divine WordReferences
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