Sexual and Spiritual Abuse in the Catholic Church
Dilemma and Open Questions
Sexual abuse is any non-verbal, verbal or physical act that is carried out with the intention to satisfy sexual desires or to inflict violence and that violates the dignity and boundary of the other person of whichever age or sex. Spiritual abuse is perpetrated whenever the boundary of dignity of the human person is breached in a religious context such that human autonomy and dignity are violated; it happens through manipulation and
without consent of the individual, whereby the individual is demeaned or denigrated under the guise of spirituality in the broadest sense. Sexual and spiritual violence are two different types of abuse that can happen independently of each other; both have to do with a wanton display of power and authority. Spiritual abuse often precedes sexual abuse in a religious setting; nevertheless, the former is less well researched than the latter. The article deals with the nature and dynamics of both types of abuse on the basis of a historical perspective on the development of appropriate legal norms and concludes that such abuses are a structural problem in the Church, which offers the perpetrators a favourable environment for the choice of victims and the possibility of hiding. The analysis also offers some solutions to the problem.
Sexual abuse, sexual violence, spiritual abuse, Church, priesthood, abuse of power and authorityReferences
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