Autonomy Revisited

On the Tension Between Autonomy and Care in Health Care

Walter Schaupp

Faculty of Theology of the University of Graz


Autonomy and self-determination of patients are central values of modern health care. In the meantime, however, the limits of the concept of “patient autonomy” have become more and more apparent and the necessity of the “principle of care” is often referred to. Against this background, this article shows in which way the understanding of (patient) autonomy has been reformulated in different stages (“graduated”, “relational”, “assisted” autonomy and autonomy as “authenticity”) to better meet the real issue of autonomy in theory and practice. In summary, it becomes apparent that “autonomy” and “care” should not be seen as rival, but complementary principles of care for the elderly, sick and weak in modern health systems.


Health care, autonomy, patient autonomy, principle of care, ethics of care

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Cited by

Schaupp, W. (2022). Autonomy Revisited: On the Tension Between Autonomy and Care in Health Care. Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 42(1), 79–94.



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