Rodzina z wieloma problemami w optyce polityki społecznej
Małgorzata Duda, prof. UPJPII
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Background: Permanent adaptation of families to the social and normative transformations occurring in Poland makes many of them unable to fulfil their needs. Regardless of the fact that most of them are no different from their predecessors, it has been observed increasingly more often that they are coping much worse in a crisis situation, what is more, the occurrence of another crisis, makes everyday life impossible. Among many reasons for this phenomenon are cultural changes, high level of urbanization, development of information technologies, isolation and individualization of life. In multi-generational families, alongside strong neighbourly ties, it was easier to obtain support. The emerging problems were noticed more quickly.
Objectives: Today, young families, which are devoid of models and alienated from their natural families, can benefit from various social policy instruments, dedicated to the family and its individual members. The potential risks of social policy, seen as almost unconditional support, will be indicated, particularly, in the absence of permanent evaluation of benefits and flexible modification of the rendered assistance.
Methodology: This article constitutes a review of the available forms of family support within the national social policy. The author refers to studies by researchers, reports commissioned by the MRPiPS (Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy), as well as data available in databases of GUS (Statistics Poland) or CBOS (Centre for Public Opinion Research). Recommendations for assistance that is both, effective and does not cause dependency, are based on the method of the use of the family's own resources.
Conclusions: There is a constant need to make the employees of the social support system more sensitive to the fact that persons/families benefiting from a wide offer of institutional assistance are at risk of partial and, in time, total dependence on this assistance. Working with families with multiple problems should be based on the experiences of their members and reinforcing their sense of agency in shaping the future of life.
family, social policy, dysfunctions, multi-problem families, resource useReferences
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