Home and its importance in the lives of Poles
Monika Podkowińska
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w WarszawieMałgorzata Duda
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w KrakowieAbstract
Background. Home is an extremely important place in human life. Its significance in culture is evidenced by the multitude of terms, expressions and synonyms used in Polish to describe a house. The relationship between the institution of home and people over the centuries is unquestionable. That is why it is worth looking at the issues related to the home from the perspective of social sciences.
Objectives. The authors drew attention to the various interpretations of the concept of home and its meaning, referring to the image of home in the eyes of Poles. The research results show what Poles associate the word home with and what it means for them from the perspective of meeting the need for security, intimacy and love. The article answers the question of whether these are the concepts that Poles associate with home, as well as family home in which they grew up.
Methodology. In the article, the authors present the results of the research conducted in the period of November 24–27, 2020 on a sample of 1072 respondents. The sample was selected on a quota basis, from the SW Panel web panel administered by SW Research. The survey was conducted using the CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interview) technique.
Results. Research shows that Poles associate the word home primarily with family, security, shelter and intimacy. As many as 84% of Poles surveyed indicated family as a word they associate with the concept of home.
For the majority (68%), the family home in which the respondents grew up is associated primarily with a safe haven. This house is associated with joy (62%) and love (63%). It is a house that respondents simply like (67%)
Conclusions. A home is primarily a family, it is a place that allows you to feel safe. Less frequently, Poles identify the word home only with a residential building, a place of permanent residence (34%), or symbolically with the homeland (18%). Therefore, the importance of the home from the perspective of the analysis of family life seems unquestionable. An important issue remains the fact that Poles now associate home with positive emotions, security (70%), peace and quiet (54%), and not with noise, understatement, secrecy or a lie (3%).
home, family, place, space, residential buildingReferences
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Monika PodkowińskaMonika Podkowińska, PhD, DSc, professor at SGGW – since 2017 she has been the Head of the Department of Sociology at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Her achievements include over 60 articles, 4 monographs, 3 editorial offices of collective works, reviews of numerous articles, monographs, didactic materials, doctoral and postdoctoral dissertations at national and international level. Her research interests focus on issues related to social communication, interpersonal communication in social work, family and professional life, and management sociology.
Email: monika_podkowinska@sggw.edu.pl
Małgorzata DudaMałgorzata Duda, PhD, ThDr. professor at UPJPII – sociologist, theologian in the field of Catholic social teaching. Author of over 100 scientific articles, 4 monographs, 20 editorial offices of collective works; reviews of numerous articles, monographs, didactic materials, doctoral and habilitation dissertations at the national and international level. Her research interests focus on the issues of social problems, the functioning of the family in the macro and microstructure dimensions; social policy for the benefit of the family, and the ethical dimension of professionalization of social support professions.
Email: malgorzata.duda@upjp2.edu.pl
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