The sense of coherence and parental resilience and the involvement of parents of children with special developmental needs in early reading initiations
Empirical guidelines for designing activities supporting home literacy environments
Kamil Kuracki
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, Wydział Nauk PedagogicznychAbstract
Background: Despite many empirical findings on the socioeconomic predictors of parental involvement in early reading initiations, there is still a lack of clear data on the psychological factors determining parental involvement in the development of children's language and reading skills.
Objectives: The research was aimed at recognizing the level of the sense of coherence and its components presented by the parents of children with special developmental needs, psychological resilience and its components such as knowledge of the child's characteristics, perceived social support and positive perception of parenthood, as well as declared involvement in early reading initiations, recognition of relationships between the variables examined and predictors of involvement of parents of children with special developmental needs in undertaking joint reading initiations with children in early and middle childhood.
Methodology: In the decryption-analytical research, the diagnostic survey method was used with the use of tools such as the Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC 29), the Parenting Resilience Elements Questionnaire (PREQ) and the Family Literacy Activities Inventory (FLAI). The study was conducted in a group of parents of children with special developmental needs (N=198) attending pre-school facilities and departments as well as early development support centers in the Mazowieckie and Dolnośląskie voivodeships.
Results: The obtained data indicate significant relationships between the sense of coherence and parental resilience and the involvement of parents in early reading initiations, and the mediating function of the positive perception of parenthood in the relation between the sense of coherence of parents and their involvement in early reading initiations.
home literacy environments, parents, special developmental needs, sense of coherence, parental resilienceReferences
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Kamil KurackiKamil Kuracki – doktor nauk społecznych w dyscyplinie pedagogika, psycholog, pedagog specjalny, filolog polonista i kulturoznawca. Adiunkt w Katedrze Psychologicznych Podstaw Wychowania na Wydziale Nauk Pedagogicznych UKSW w Warszawie. Kierownik i wykonawca wielu projektów naukowych finansowanych przez NCN, MEiN oraz EFS. Członek International Literacy Association, International Dyslexia Association oraz Polskiego Towarzystwa Pedagogicznego. Jego zainteresowania naukowo-badawcze obejmują przede wszystkim problematykę aktywności czytelniczej i kulturowej uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi, rodzicielskich uwarunkowań wczesnej inicjacji czytelniczej dzieci z trudnościami rozwojowymi, biblioterapii wychowawczej, a także wspomagania rozwoju uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi oraz wspierania ich rodzin.
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