“Family Studies” – the reason for existence in the light of the social needs of the 21-st century
"NoR" - field autonomy
dr hab. Arkadiusz Żukiewicz, prof. UKEN
University of the National Educational Commission (Poland, Krakow)https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5064-4491
The aim of this article is to present the field of “family studies” in the light of current social needs. The presented image includes the creative potential of the autonomous field of science, which family studies can enrich the reality of human life. In the course of the examination of the selected subject of research, the desk research method was used. The analysis of legal sources and literature took up social issues and family issues. The results of the conducted research enable participation in the scientific discourse focused on the reason for existence the field of “family studies”. The article contains comments on the development potential of this field of science. They include the sphere of theory and practice of family service in the realities of the 21-st century.
family, family studies, familiology, social development, field of scienceReferences
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