Choroba w rodzinie
Zastosowanie metodologii teorii ugruntowanej do analizy funkcjonowania rodziny w sytuacji choroby
Emilia Mazurek
Politechnika WrocławskaAbstrakt
The intention of the author is to encourage the methodological reflection on the possibility of using the grounded theory methodology in the analysis of the situation of a person affected by a chronic somatic disease and their family. The author presents the key assumptions of classical grounded theory methodology developed by Barney G. Glaser and Anselm L. Strauss. Then, the author describes the constructivist grounded theory methodology by Kathy Charmaz, comparing its concept with classical approach. The rest of the text presents the experience of chronic somatic disease as a research area in which the methodology of grounded theory may be useful. Referring to the system model of the family, the author argues that the disease impacts the patient and their family. It should be considered by a researcher who uses the grounded theory methodology.
Słowa kluczowe:
the grounded theory, the grounded theory methodology, the constructivist grounded theory methodology, family, chronic somatic diseaseBibliografia
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Emilia MazurekStatystyki
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