Eucharystia i Trójca Święta
Asepkt liturgiczny
Janusz Stanisław Królikowski
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w KrakowieAbstract
Christian faith is based on the mystery of the Holy Trinity which, therefore, plays an indispensable role in the understanding of the particular truths of faith. This statement refers also to the Eucharist. The New Testament, and especially the Gospel of John, conveys an explicit depiction of the links between the Holy Trinity and the Eucharist. The New Testament tradition has found its continuation in theology, and it has been predominantly seen in the Eucharistic Prayers. This paper highlights certain Trinitarian aspects of the mystery of the Eucharist, in order to point out further possibilities both for deepening the understanding of this mystery and for more integral incorporation of it into faith and Christian experience.
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Janusz Stanisław KrólikowskiStatistics
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