Zaułki psychologiczne rozważań o kobiecie w liturgii

Dorota Kuncewicz


The response to the needs of the times of the modern world may be the result of a prudent view of the reality in which a person lives and which they do not choose. It can, however, be the consequence of naïve acquiescence to the world and of fitting in with its clamour. And yet it is neither a matter of superficial equality nor an empty gesture. There is no reason why the risk of a superficial reading of the world's needs should omit the question of admitting women to the ministry of lector and acolyte. After all, the demand for simple gender symmetry, blurring and negation of differences resounds very clearly today. At a deeper level, this cry is a reminder of the imbalance in the mutuality of appreciation, but also of the dependence in life – each person placing themselves equally on the scales (in accordance with the command "Be subject to one another"). And it is not a question of taking something off one scale pan, but of making the weight of the other one similar. Following the words of Benedict XVI, the recognition of women's contribution must be derived from obedience to the truth and the example of Mary, who balances emotions and reason, embracing the totality of human life. In this perspective, increasing the space for the presence of women would be linked to their ability to perceive and to call for the continuity and value of humanity.

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Cited by

Kuncewicz, D. (2022). Zaułki psychologiczne rozważań o kobiecie w liturgii. Liturgia Sacra. Liturgia - Musica - Ars, 59(1), 27–36.


Dorota Kuncewicz



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