The Periodical ‘Liturgia Sacra’ as a Realization of the Dreams and Ambitions of Several Generations of Polish Liturgists

Mateusz R. Potoczny

Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego

Erwin Mateja


The paper is a reflection on the idea and mission of the first liturgical periodical in Poland, i.e. ‘Liturgia Sacra’ (founded in 1995). The author starts with a presentation of the leading European periodicals and the ambitions behind their establishment. Then he presents the contributions that ‘Liturgia Sacra’ has made to the space of liturgical studies over the three decades of its existence. The article draws attention to the milieu-forming nature of the journal and the threats to its continued existence. The final section includes an appeal to the Polish liturgist.


Liturgia Sacra, czasopismo, etos, liturgia, teologia

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Cited by

Potoczny, M. R., & Mateja, E. (2024). The Periodical ‘Liturgia Sacra’ as a Realization of the Dreams and Ambitions of Several Generations of Polish Liturgists. Liturgia Sacra. Liturgia - Musica - Ars, 63(1), 13–26.


Mateusz R. Potoczny 


Erwin Mateja 



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