1. original research articles;
2. reviews;
3. scientific reports.
Articles may be submitted any time, except for those outside the thematic frames of a given issue, in such cases one needs to consult the editor (read the CfP in announcements).
Articles should be submitted online through the journal submission system. The authors are obliged to fill the metadata of the article. Authors are kept posted if their article has been accepted, and next it is reviewed.
Your article should be edited in the following way:
1. Text files (.rtf, .doc, .docx, .odt) are accepted.
2. Standard text formatting: font Times New Roman 12, leading 1,5, margins 2,5. Headings must be in bold. Quotations must be in inverted commas. Foreign-language words or phrases must be in italics. Do not use any special formatting.
3. We do not limit the length of articles.
4. Footnotes, if necessary, at the bottom of the page. We advise to use them only occasionally.
5. For reference, please use the APA Format Citation Style. The complete guide to APA you can find
6. The name of the author/s, academic affiliation, e-mail of at least one of them (corresponding author), and other basic information (e.g. electronic identification number ORCID) must be given on the first page of the article.
7. The references list should be organized alphabetically according to authors’ surnames. If there are more works of the same author cited, they should be organized chronologically.
Article should be edited in the following order:
1. Article title (maximum 10 words);
2. Author or authors of the article;
3. Biographical note (title/academic degree, working place and job position, e-mail, ORCID if applicable);
4. Abstract (abstract is also reviewed and should contain a brief description of the used methods, research, and the most important findings);
5. Keywords (between 5 and 7);
6. Text of the article according to the structure:
a. introduction (context, interpretation, research problem);
b. theoretical background (literature overview);
c. methodology (detailed description of applied theoretical framework or methodological approach, used method/s, criteria of searching and analysis, description of sample selection or reasons for choosing a particular method, etc.);
d. results (objective presentation of the results of the research);
e. discussion, summary (interpretation of the results with a reflection of existing literature and clear conclusion, what new findings this research brought or what was confirmed and
what kind of conclusions can be made)
7. Literature;
8. Acknowledgments (if applicable).