The Strategic Role Of the Local Communities in The Development Of Cross-Border Cooperation Between Ukraine And The EU (on the example of the Transcarpathian Region)

Hanna Ihorivna Melehanych

Uzhhorod National University


This article is devoted to the study of the implementation of cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and EU countries. Transcarpathia was chosen as the region for the study because it is here that Ukraine is bordering with four European states. The most important role in the implementation of cross-border programs belongs to the communities in the field provided by the local self-government bodies. It is they who have the relevant knowledge and experience to successfully implement projects and programs from different funding sources targeted for the development of cross-border regions. The successful development and success of Ukraine’s border territories largely depend on the successful mobilization and strategic use of funds.


cross-border cooperation, local communities, local authorities, Transcarpathian Region

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Cited by

Melehanych, H. I. (2020). The Strategic Role Of the Local Communities in The Development Of Cross-Border Cooperation Between Ukraine And The EU (on the example of the Transcarpathian Region). Border and Regional Studies, 8(1), 7–20.


Hanna Ihorivna Melehanych




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