Rethinking cross-border integration. A step to further discussion

Łukasz D. Wróblewski

Poznań University of Economics and Business, Department of European Studies, Institute of International Business and Economics


This study analyzes the phenomenon of cross-border integration. The literature do not consider all major conditions of such the phenomenon. The goal of this article, is to present the various conditions of cross-border integration, which are too often ignored by many authors. Firstly, the paper presents an overview of different typologies of border regions depending on the intensity of interaction between them and accounting for the causes of their development. Afterward, the author presents the major conditions of the integration of border regions, in the light of the critical literature review. In the conclusions, the author presents propositions and suggestions for further academic debates on the phenomenon of cross-border integration.


border regions, cross-border integration, conditions of cross-border ties, borderlands studies, European integration

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Cited by

Wróblewski, Łukasz D. (2020). Rethinking cross-border integration. A step to further discussion. Border and Regional Studies, 8(3), 111–135.


Łukasz D. Wróblewski




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