Multicultural city of Lublin: physical and social communication – medial axis of interest

Bartosz Pietrzyk

Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin


Communication is inextricably connected with the idea of society, both of them creates common context that refers to the specified group, context in which that group exists. When different groups of people interfere within one space and they exchange ideas, then multiculture is born. In this context we can mention physical and non-physical aspects of culture such as: objects, tools, buildings, urban spaces and so on. The main point of this article is to analyse the aspect of multicultural city of Lublin that is located in border space of cultures: Polish, Jewish, Ukrainian. This kind of cultural structure needs the proper dialogue protocols and communication processes and in this communication web specified cultural and media projects are held. This piece oscillates around four aspects of multicultural experience: the historical aspect, the sociological aspect, the communication aspect and the aspect of the culture in the urban space.


Lublin, multiculturalism, communication, media, borderland


Cited by

Pietrzyk, B. (2016). Multicultural city of Lublin: physical and social communication – medial axis of interest. Border and Regional Studies, 4(2), 281–297.


Bartosz Pietrzyk 




Copyright (c) 2016 Pogranicze. Polish Borderlands Studies

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