Studying the anti-corruption capacity of the local press in Poland
Bartosz Czepil
Institute of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Opole
The problem of the anti-corruption role of the local media is under-researched, not only in Poland, but also in international studies. Therefore, the article contributes to the theoretical reflection over the anti-corruption capacity of the local press in Poland by proposing an analytical model for studying it. In the first part, the growing importance of research on the anti-corruption role of the local press in Poland is presented. Secondly, the concepts of local press and corruption are defined in order to clarify the analytical scope of the proposed model. Then, the ambiguous nature of the anti-corruption capacity of the local press is described based on existing literature. The main part is focused on building and elaborating on the analytical model for researching the anti-corruption capacity of the local press. The model integrates three interconnected components of the capacity, which might be grasped by the idea of a trio including determinants, types and impact. Thereby, a multidimensional surrounding and diversified scope of anti-corruption functions of the local press in Poland are demonstrated.
local media, corruption, anti-corruption capacity, local government, analytical modelReferences
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