The meaning of the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands conflict in Sino-Japanese relations by the example of 2012 incidents
Mateusz Drążewski
Uniwersytet OpolskiAbstract
The Sino-Japanese relations have been difficult for years due to various reasons. The common history of China and Japan brings about further problems. There are many of them in mutual relations and one of them is the conflict concerning the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands discussed in the article. These are crucial lands for Sino-Japanese relations because they have their specific advantages. Therefore, among others, they divide the two nations. This raises a number of historical, legal and other issues. Moreover, in the dispute there are all kinds of incidents. It has an impact on the societies of China and Japan. It is also important for the policy of both countries, among others, for country defence issues. It is manifested by many examples, and some of them can be certainly observed in the text based on the events that took place in 2012. The objective of this article is to show the importance of the conflict concerning Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands in the relations of China and Japan. The dispute about the small islands in the East China Sea, which for some reason divides China and Japan, which are the key countries in the Far East. The year 2012 perfectly showed the character of the discussed conflict and its importance.
China, Japan, Diaoyu, Senkaku, Sino-Japanese relations, islands, conflictReferences
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Mateusz DrążewskiStatistics
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