Opinions and attitudes of political representatives of Opole and Olomouc
Pavel Šaradín
Palacky University in OlomoucRadomir Sztwiertnia
Palacky University in Olomouchttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-8082-5357
Ewa Ganowicz
University of Opolehttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-6558-5976
The paper presents research that was conducted during the term of office 2010–2014 among elected representatives of the cities of Opole and Olomouc. The aim of the research was to compare attitudes of local representatives, councillors of the given cities, toward selected reforms and particular tools devised to enhance civic participation and local democratic governance. The authors argue that attitudes and opinions of the representatives of both cities differ primarily in those areas in which they have own experience within the existing institutional setting (local referendum, participatory budgeting etc.).
councillors, attitudes, reforms, Opole, OlomoucReferences
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