Literary onomastics and stylistic onomastics
Danuta Lech-Kirstein
The paper deals with the state of research on literary/stylistic onomastics as an auxiliary science of stylistics. The typology of styles allows the inclusion of research on stylistic nomenclature within the research on text style, an author’s individual style, as well as type styles. Post-modern changes in the understanding of literariness, the interest of literary onomastics in para-literary genres, and the functioning of names in the modern media, religious and political discourse make it necessary to think about the appro- priateness of further use of the term literary onomastics. The use of the original name of the field of research on names in texts would be more precise: the term stylistic onomastics might refer to the functioning of the sphere of proper names in a particular style of the Polish language. It would not exclude a literary or artistic text from the sphere of interest, and it would introduce proper names characteristic for other styles of the Polish language, such as political, media, religious, scientific and advertisement styles, in the stream of research.
literary onomastics, stylistic onomastics, stylistic nomenclature, functions of proper namesReferences
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Danuta Lech-KirsteinStatistics
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