Metatextual commentary as a way of manifesting linguistic and styli- stic awareness (As illustrated by the assessment of the phenomenon of introducing common parlance elements into radio and television publicistic debates)
Krzysztof Maćkowiak
The article refers to a language awareness category. It analyses the phenomenon of functioning of metatextual elements in an utterance; specifically the so called metatextual commentaries (which occur on the surface of a text as various interjections, e.g. participal phrases). These formulas serve different functions; in the first place they organize the message and inform about its properties. The author claims that metatextual commentaries – properly interpreted – can be a tool for manifesting individual and social language awareness. The object of direct investigations of the article are metatexts in the colloquial language substance (words and idiomatic phrases). The materials excerpted from radio and television publicistic debates have been taken into account. The aims of the analysis are following 1) to enumerate the most frequent types of metatextual commentaries introducing colloquial lexical material into the language of the media 2) to determine the assessment of the material, expressed in the metatext 3) to confront the collected opinions with the theses presented in contemporary linguistic reflections.
metatext, metatextual commentary, common parlance, language of the media, publicistic debate, language awarenessReferences
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