A bout studying the com m unicative values in neoteric discursive spheres (based on Russian)
Vadim B. Dementʹev
Communicative value is formed by the essential principles of nalional culture communi cative category that regularly and naturally manifests itself in language and speech sys tem (a system of language assessment, lexical categories, and the rules of specific speech genres, etc.) in the text and generał cognitive relationship with the world (cul- tural aspects o f the assessment of (he picture o f the word). In the study, selected areas and forms of communication are due to the category of personality, and its linguistic and communicative phenomenon. The communicative values in new and newest areas of Russian speech are analyzed: in the “post-perestroika” Russian press (1992-2012), Russian political discourse (for ma! and informal), the Internet communication (encyclopedias, Online forums), as well as in Russian art literaturę of XIX-XX centuries (and cinema). Ali these areas háve not yet been the subject of linguistic research in tenns of communicative values within the same system of theoretical concepts and techniques, although the relevance of such a study in modem Russian studies is certain: on the one hand, the Russian culture in generał is highly communicative, as evidenced by many of its key concepts - dusha ‘soul’, pravda ‘truth’, spravedlivost’ ‘justice’, and iskrennosť ‘sincerity’. About the “deep confessionalness” of Russian dialogue, wrote the great Russian philosopher M.M.Bakhtin. On the other hand, these new and newest spheres of Russian communica tion are highly relevant to the overall communicative space of modem Russia, and or- ganize its structural and substantive rules, pattems, categories, values - in many ways defining part of it. Communication o f people in these areas, in most cases, can only be described as, on the one hand, in high degree socially and personálly meaningful, infor- mative and emotionally rich, has the undoubted tendency for expansion in terms of speed, interactivity, quality o f feedback. On the other hand, this communication has not yet completed its finał formation in its basie forms and genres, and is often character- ized by severe disharmony and conflicts.
communicative values of Russian culture, category of personality, new and newest areas of Russian speechAuthors
Vadim B. DementʹevStatistics
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