Hypertext rersus intext
Eva Hóflerova
The article presents some insights on the special hypertext: in-text advertising. The author draws from her research on electronic hypertext. The way they dealt with the construction of nodal sites, resources, and text coherence nonlinear terms of the perception of a homogeneous non-linear style of the text. Intext is characterized as a conglomerate of texts with quite different target. Coherence of and cohesion of the original text is disturbed by highlighting the trigger words. Text ads can be easily activated - just zoom cursor. The address is then exposed to Information unrelated to the text that a Web page opened. Information technology is not so advanced as to avoid absurd connections with shape homonymy, polysemy wrong, ethical textual errors. It is noted that the idea of hypertext as non-linear arrangement of information, which goes toward divergent thinking is exploited by intext advertising.
hypertext, intext, hyperlink, trigger word, polysemy and homonymy in links, divergence thinking, perception of the textReferences
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Eva HóflerovaStatistics
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