Situation as a Style Factor
There is no unanimous point of view concerning the organic relationship between ‘style’ and ‘situation’, mainly because o f different definitions and interpretations of the concept o f ‘style’. As a quality of an integral text, style presents a text formulating modus, which characterizes new textual qualities that appear as optional to the basic necessary criteria o f textuality (e.g. integrality, coherence, etc.) as a result o f altering the ‘situation’ of making and perceiving the text. Making a ‘style’ means formulating that kind of a text structure which would accommodate to the ‘situation’ of presenting (new) information to the communication partners. As a subject o f a philological description ‘situation’ can be interpreted both in the broad and in the narrow sense. It can take into account extralinguistic factors of making and perce ■ mg the text, which influence the style as well as proper linguistic mechanisms that define the nature of stylistic information of a particular text. In the textual structure one can differentiate a certain system of relations between separate situational style factors as well as their linguostylistic markers. The character of such hierarchy may vary in different text classes and types. This proves the fact that both the ‘situation’ as a (text) style factor and the elements, which function as linguistic markers of stylistic information, are o f a gradient character.
style, situation, text formulating modus, speech competence, stylistic information, extralinguistic factors, ‘external’ situation, ‘internal’speech-contextual style determinant, situational style factors, linguostylistic markers of situationAuthors
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