Tvůrčí moc slova

Michaela Křivancová


This article analyses early prosaic texts by Vera Linhartova, i.e. texts written from 1957 to 1961, but published between 1964 and 1968. The focus is especially on discourse ana- lysis of four texts: Povidka nesouvisla (written 1958), Metuv źivot v obrysech (written on 23rd Julyl960), Rozprava o zdviźi (written in 1960) and Raći kanon na besovske tema (written on 15th December 1960). This contribution tries to introduce grammatical, styli- stics and literary means, which are used to demonstrate the creative power of the word in the poetics of this author. It is pointed out that explicit (verbal) and implicit (structural) manifestation of the author’s “creative power” over her texts is conditioned by the ontolo- gical-existential dimension of the author’s poetics, but is further orientated towards aims relating to communication.


a speaking subject, the processuality of utterance, an utterance like a finał construct (finał form), illusional and non-iilusionai literary discourse, creative power of the word

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Linhartova V., 1993, Mezipruzkum nejbliź uplynuleho', Pfestofeć. 2. vyd., Praha: Mlada fronta.

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Cited by

Křivancová, M. (2021). Tvůrčí moc slova. Stylistyka, 18, 237–251. Retrieved from


Michaela Křivancová 



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