Z istorìï vivčennâ ukraïns’kih narodnih dum (analìtičnij oglâd)

Tetâna Becenko


Folklore researcher M. Maksymowicz introduced the term duma for an epic and lyric genre of orał Ukrainian folk art related to song (cf. the synonymic terms: Cossack song, Cossack epos, Cossack psalm) in 1827. The genre was bom in the 15th c. and sińce the 19th c. it has been the subject of folklore research, linguistics, literary studies, cultural studies, history. The researchers studied its poetics, language, musical shape, form of performance, etc.


duma, Cossack song, Cossack epos, Cossack psalm

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Cited by

Becenko, T. (2021). Z istorìï vivčennâ ukraïns’kih narodnih dum (analìtičnij oglâd). Stylistyka, 18, 141–152. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/s/article/view/3555


Tetâna Becenko 



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