Dynamics of Meanings in Poetica! Texts in the Perspective of Phenomenological and Cognitive Hypothesis of
Joanna Ślósarska
The paper presents a comparative view of the hypothesis of relatively isolated systems on the phenomenological (R. Ingarden) and cognitive (especially R. Langacker, G. La[1]koff, and M. Turner) backgrounds. Main arguments of the paper are as follows: I) the hy[1]pothesis of relatively isolated systems, which has as its component the concept of hetero[1]nomous objects, constitutes a research paradigm that is common to phenomenology and cognitivism; this paradigm is specially distinct in the research of the domains oflinguisti[1]cs and poetics, which assumes ontological and cognitive context as essential for interpre[1]tation of linguistic expressions; 2) complete understanding of poetica! texts involves most of all the research of linguistic representation of the values in relation to cognitive and vi[1]tal field of the utterance and the auctorial subjects; 3) anisotropy of the cognitive field, created in poetica( texts, constitutes a component of dynamie interaction of the " I-in-the-world" and "1-against-the-world" systems, as well as of modelling them.
component of dynamie interaction of the " I-in-the-world" and "1-against-the-world" systems, as well as of modelling them.
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Joanna ŚlósarskaStatistics
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