"I'll tell you of myself': Some Remarks on the New European Tradition of the Lyrical Naпative

Vadim Mihajlin


"I’ll tell you of myself': some remarks on the Ешореаn lyric narrative traditioп after Rousseau". Three main figures due to the aпalysis from the offered here anthropological point of view on the respective literary tradition are J.-J. Rousseau, Marcel Proust and Gertrude Stein. The tradition ofthe authoblographical narrative is seen as based on the se[1]arch for raison d'etre for the пеw narrative strategy. Within the traditional society the in[1]dividual "destiny", narrative (seen here as а пarrated episode provided with а quality of а mimetic traпsfer) stretched out to the limits ofan " individual Ьiography" and stacked into the rigid framework of the genre and rhetoric reqt1irements ft1lfilled the task of postula[1]tion and balancing the system of correspondences between the individual history (indivi[1]dual "destiny") and normative strata staпdard of а single humaп "destiny" . The пеw stra[1]tegy estaЬ!ished Ьу Rousseau due to the failure ofthe traditioпal пarrative strategies as the modes of the society self-regulating means within the situation of washing онt of the tra[1]ditional society structures, was based п the individual experience as one and the only re[1]liaЫe one. Was it really so? How the faux pas done Ьу Rottsseau was taken у the st1b[1]sequent literary tradition?


Cited by

Mihajlin, V. (2002). "I’ll tell you of myself’: Some Remarks on the New European Tradition of the Lyrical Naпative. Stylistyka, 11, 129–156. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/s/article/view/3718


Vadim Mihajlin 



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