The "Gender-Form" of the Pronouns 'ten, ta' and Universal Deictical Word 'to' in the Texts ofVarious Style
Ivana Kolářová
Deictical pronouns ten, ta, to are much frequented in Czech texts ofvarious style spheres. There are many grammars and stylistic works (textbooks, articles, essays) that deal with the syntactical structures with the pronominal "gender-form" ten, ta and with the universal deictical and referential pronoun to (Mathesius 1947: 187; Smilauer 1947: 29 n.; Jedlicka, Formankova, Rejmankova 1 970: 97, 1 35; Bećka I 992: 199-20 I; Hoffmannova, Mtillerova, Schneiderova I 992: 65-66; Berger I 993: 72; Schneiderova 1 993: 32, 36; Hoffmannova, Mtillerova, Zeman: 42-48, 134-136; Sticha 1999: 1 32-134; Sticha 2003: 249-290).These pronouns are used very often in the spoken texts. The Linguists find that the pronouns ten, ta, to are frequent in the joumalistic, administrative and professional texts, too. They can be considered according to those criterions: a) syntactical structure with the pronouns ten, ta, to; b) function of the pronouns ten, ta, to in those syntactical constructions (connective function, utterance of the emotional attitude of the speaker; c) stylistic quality of the texts with those constructions.
Ivana KolářováStatistics
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