Sovremennaâ russkaâ publicistika i âzykovaâ igra
Lilâna Coneva
The linguistic play on words has a wide interpretation in the spirit of modem scholarly theories - as a specifically sought deviation from the linguistic standards for the sake of creating a given (most frequently comica!) effect. In that sense, various manifestations of
the nonstandard, creative and paronomasia use of linguistic means refer to the linguistic play on words as a paronomasia (play on words) has a restricted and outdated character that is why, here, paronomasia is considered only as one of the linguistic play on words.
lf-eactual significance of the topie is determined by the paramount role of joumalese both in the systems of Modem Russian. Joumalistic style, as it is known, does not only reflect but it also forms public opinion. It is precisely in joumalese that is created the linguistic
background, the linguistic image of contemporary reality. Joumalese does not comply with all kinds of conventions, it is actually the bearer of the "taste of time" and its aspiration towards a fresh imag ery, towards innovation and towards breaking off with the
cli eh es of the past - with the trivia! and sterile style of the language of news pa pers of the previous years.
The article contains a concrete analysis of some of the manifestations of the linguistic play in the joumalistic style. The analysis deals with the basie and most typical type of linguistic play - the paronomasia, as well as with other types, productive in joumalistic
style. They are sufficiently "representative" since they render the linguistic play at different levels (as far as such division is possible whatsoever). A more detailed analysis is focused precisely on those types of linguistic plays which are more actual at present for the
joumalistic style - paronomasia, quotation, metaphor, occasional units, the play with graphics.
linguistic play on words, journalistic style, paronomasia, quotation, occasional units, play with graphicsReferences
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Lilâna ConevaStatistics
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